
Rock Steady


Rock Steady Episode 1

A campaign by wesley

  • $863
    Raised of $800
  • 5
  • 0
    seconds left
107 %
Successfully funded on December 19, 2015
A campaign by wesley
1 campaigns, 0 contributions
  • Contribute $3 or more

    Limited to 10000 Contributors
    Anime forum + Ebook + name in credits Get access to our exclusive backer forum where we will answer your questions about the Anime and seek your advice. Membership access to our Anime website where you can watch anime & read manga. A complimentary manga ebook. You also get your name in the credits!
    1 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $10 or more

    Limited to 750 Contributors
    Paperback Manga (early bird tier) + Anime forum Ebook+ name in credits Get a copy of the paperback manga You will get the $3 reward tier.
    1 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $13 or more

    Paperback Manga + Anime forum +Color ebook+ name in credits Get a copy of the paperback manga You will get the $3 reward #2 tier.
    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $15 or more

    Color paperback Manga (early bird tier) + Anime forum +Ebook+ name in credits Get a copy of the paperback manga with color interior You will get the $3 reward tier.
    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $25 or more

    DVD + $15 Tier Get a DVD copy of the Anime, plus the $15 tier including the Color paperback Manga.
    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $35 or more

    Blu-Ray+ $25 tier Get a Blu-Ray copy of the Anime. Includes everything in the $25 tier
    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $50 or more

    Canon+$25 tier You can appear in episode 1 of the Anime. Includes everything in the $25 tier
    1 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $75 or more

    Limited to 50 Contributors
    Script+ $50 tier Get a copy of the script used to make the Anime. Includes everything in the $50 tier
    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $100 or more

    Autograph+Poster+T-shirt+$50 tier Get a signed copy of the printed paperback manga and DVD. In addition, you'll get a t-shirt and poster. Includes everything in the $50 tier
    1 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $150 or more

    Signed poster + $100 tier Get a copy of the poster signed by author with a personalized message! Includes everything in the $100 tier
    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $250 or more

    Limited to 20 Contributors
    character identity+$150 tier The author will ask you questions pertaining to your personality and the artist will draw your very own character of yourself into the manga. Includes everything in the $150 tier
    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $350 or more

    Limited to 10 Contributors
    Background Music+Postcard+Stickers+$150 tier Your choice of what Rock song plays in the background of the Anime during scenes. Postcard and stickers. Includes everything in the $150 tier
    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $450 or more

    Limited to 50 Contributors
    Launch event+ Beta Access+$150 tier Get clockwork updates on the production and get a chance to weigh in on the logo and cover art. Exclusive access to the launch of the Anime. Beta Access to the app. Includes everything in the $150 tier
    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $500 or more

    Limited to 3 Contributors
    Virtual assistant+Plushie+$450 tier virtual assistant which gives you exclusive privileges of being a team member. A plushie of the main character in the Anime! Includes everything in the $450 tier
    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $1,000 or more

    Limited to 20 Contributors
    Box Set+DVD Box Set+$450 tier You will receive All of the new volumes in future production. You will receive DVD’s of all of the new episodes of the anime. Includes everything in the $450 tier
    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $1,500 or more

    Limited to 15 Contributors
    Voice actor+$1000 tier You get to become a voice actor for a character in the Anime. Includes everything in the $1000 tier
    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $2,500 or more

    Limited to 10 Contributors
    FanFiction+ $1500 Tier Write your own episode with the help of the author who holds creative veto rights to ensure it fits in the world. Includes everything in the $1500 tier
    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $5,000 or more

    Limited to 1 Contributors
    Protagonist+$1000 tier Create your own protagonist and add it into the Anime, with help from the author who holds creative veto rights to ensure it fits in the world. Includes everything in the $1000 tier
    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $5,000 or more

    Limited to 1 Contributors
    Antagonist+ $1000 tier Create your own Antagonist and add it into the Anime, with help from the author who holds creative veto rights to ensure it fits in the world. Includes everything in the $1000 tier
    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.
  • Contribute $10,000 or more

    Limited to 1 Contributors
    Spend a day with the author + $2,500 tier The author will fly to wherever your at and hang out with you for a day.
    0 contributor(s) chose this reward.